venerdì 26 giugno 2009


Ispirata dagli antichi sampler olandesi ho disegnato una nuova sewing bag con dei simpatici pavoni, su lino Week dye work e con filati dmc . Ho opportunamente invecchiato il ricamo per dargli il mio consueto stile 'primitivo'.
Anche questo disegno si aggiunge alla mia collezione, chi ne fosse interessato mi può scrivere alla mia e-mail.

Inspired by antiques duch samplers I designed a new sewing bag on Weeks dye work linen and dmc threads.
I dyed everything with coffee for getting an aged look. If somebody is interested in this design please write me.
Enjoy my peacock sewing bag.

9 commenti:

  1. Mi piace moltissimo! :) Enza xxx

  2. This is lovely! I adore the colors
    of the fabric and the DMC that you chose.

  3. Your new sewing bag is so darling, the heart inside it is such a lovely detail.

  4. Ottima ispirazione.....risultato eccellente!!!!! Bravissima!!!

  5. Nicky, I love your designs. This is the first time I've visited your blog. I would be interested in this design. Could you email me? Thanks.

  6. Hi Niky -

    I am interested in your peacock work bag. Please email with details on how to obtain the design. Thank you! Pat

  7. Hi Niky -

    I love your peacock sewing bag. Please email with details on how to get the design. Thank you - Pat

  8. What a beautiful sewing bag. I have been trying to be good and finish my current wips before I get anything new, but your beautiful pieces are starting to break my resolve!

  9. Ahh... the more I see the more I want!!! :o)) Can you tell.. I love this one too!!! :o)
