sabato 16 luglio 2011


..sono di nuovo in partenza, vado in Olanda per qualche giorno. Andrò a far visita a carissimi amici e approfitteremo, insieme, di andare a vedere questa fantastica mostra di antichi samplers a Goes. Prenderò certo nuove idee ed ispirazioni. Non mancheremo il mercato dell'antiquariato di Delfh e...beh il programma è fitto e concentrato, vi informerò meglio al mio ritorno..vado,.. Amsterdam mi aspetta, a presto amiche e happy stitching.
..on the road again, Amsterdam is waiting for me, i've lot of friends in the Netherland and we're going to visit that wonderfull 'Antique samplers show' in Goes together. I'll get lot of inspirations i'm sure..then antique market in Delft..and more. Well..'till next time my dear friends and best stitching to all of you..

6 commenti:

  1. Buon viaggio!!!
    Buone vacanze!!!

  2. Bring your umbrella with you, the weather is very bad at the moment.
    Have a nice trip.

  3. Niky have a wonderful time. I wish I could join you. I have wonderful memories of the antique market in Delft. What wonderful treasures are waiting for you...

  4. Buon viaggio! Un abbraccio. Tinu.

  5. The exposition in Goes is really beautiful. For sure you're going to enjoy it. Don't forget your umbrella because it looks like it always raining here. Have a nice trip.
