venerdì 12 luglio 2013


 Ho lavorato il cestino all'uncinetto a punto basso e vi ho applicato il ricamo sul lato frontale, sul retro tenere roselline in lana rallegrano il tutto.

STITCHING FRIENDS sarà uno degli schemi che presenterò a Formigine a Settembre in occasione di Fili Senza Tempo.

Hello my dear friends I'm very happy to show you my new chart STITCHING FRIENDS ready finally!!! A very sweet design for all stitching friends!!! I know you've some special friends who share with you your stitching passion, that design is dedicated to them. I normally meet stitching friends once a week and it's just  a pleasure for us meet and stitch in front of a nice warm cup of tea. So here we're..that lovely stitching basket design is coming with the crochet needlebook and the little yarn crochet basket that I've already showed you in the lasts posts. Hope you enjoy this chart, it's funny and easy to stitch, only few colors and a lot of passion!!! until next time my dear friends!
...and Nikyscreations RR is growing and growing..write to Ely for more information!!! xxx NIKY.

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