giovedì 27 febbraio 2014


Hello my friends, they're very busy days here, everything is arrived for setting more kits to send!!!
Bunny Ruler Kit was  quite a good success in Nashville Market and I need to set more kits to here we're:  a cup of tea and  a good movie on...would you like to come to help me....??? My dearest friends Maureen and Ellen are coming this afternoon... would you like to join us!!! You're more then welcome!!!
Carissime, oggi giornata di kitting!!! Bunny ruler kit ha avuto un discreto successo a Nashville ed ora devo preparare altri kits da spedire e alcuni da portare a Formigine, volete venire a darmi una mano?
Una tazza di tè un bel film in tv..e....kitting kitting...                       xxxNiky.

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