lunedì 8 giugno 2015


 Hello my dear friends, I'm just back from Dole market in France with Jurax Point de Croix Club, I had such a wonderful time and met so lovely stitchers!!! organization was  perfect and all the exibitors were just the best. Thanks Irène for everything and my dearest friend Sylvaine Lenoir!

 Carissime, sono appena tornata da Dole, un grande salone pieno di belle cose e di persone straordinarie. Un grande grazie a Irène perfetta padrona di casa del Jurax point de croix e alla mia cara amica Sylvaine Lenoir per la sua gentilezza  e grande simpatia...

keep on stitching                                  xxx Niky.

3 commenti:

  1. Looks like a wonderful show and you look wonderful too Niky!

  2. merci beaucoup pour le superbe reportage !!!!

    nous étions très heureuses de vous recevoir à Dole !!!

    Amitiés et à bientôt

    bises de France

  3. Nice blog and article, thanks for sharing.
