venerdì 11 dicembre 2015


 Hello my dears, how busy is this time!!! setting home for Christmas, making gifts and taking care of my new designs for Nashville Market 2016!!!
 I'm sure you are quite busy too...well, today I want to show you my new offers on my ETSY. 

Those lovely e-patterns are so quick and easy to make, use them as ornaments or as gifts for friends, they're really so sweet. 
So please visit my Etsy shop and you'll find more goodies very interesting indeed including my new Vichy hand-dyed linen


 ... and those beautiful stitches are from Dora and Susan, they coulnd't finish them in time for the drawning of my Christmas contest, but I want to share them as they're really wonderful. Thank you guys!

     Keep on stitching and warm wishes.                               
                                                                              xxx Niky.

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