giovedì 7 gennaio 2016

TWOSC 2016 and BE MINE e-pattern

 Hello  my dear friends, , hope you're doing well!!! Did you spent a good Christmas holiday? I really hope so . Now it's time to be back to our routine and our stitching , don't you think so?
Well, about me, I never stopped  creating and stitching and finishing. 
I'm setting for Nashville market already and here it's really crazy!!!
 TWOSC 2016 kits are ready to go and if you want information please be free to write me 
places are still available.
This little bird on the pincushion is so sweet, and the beautiful vintage buttons included in the kit are very unique indeed...
...but I'm thinking also on Valentine, so  I put for you this very cute little bird e-pattern on my etsy today . Isn't it so cute??? you can find it here

Well those are my news,  I need to start to work now, but I'll be back soon...keep on stitching                                    xxx Niky. 

Carissime, spero vi siate riposate durante le vacanze natalizie! da parte mia non ho mai smesso di lavorare: Nashville market è a febbraio per cui non c'è molto tempo , TWOSC 2016 è iniziato e sto cominciando a spedire i primi kit, anzi se volete informazioni scrivetemi pure, ci ancora alcuni posti disponibili.
Oggi invece ho pubblicato sul mio Etsy questo delizioso uccellino da ricamare per san Valentino.  Busy??? Sì ma felice!!!
Amiche ago in mano quindi, spazio alla creatività e lavoro. Un abbraccio a tutte e  a  presto                 xxx Niky.

3 commenti:

  1. Such a sweet bird on scissors! Love.

  2. Such a precious little stitch Niky! I love everything "bird".... Hope to get back to my stitching sometime soon.... I asked Santa for better eyesight...but so far he hasn't delivered. ;o) Wishing you a new year filled with blessings and joys.... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
