martedì 17 aprile 2007

Cuscinetti sul filo del rosso.

Qualche volta mi entusiasma anche lavorare con un solo colore. Come quando ho realizzato questi porta-chiavi abbelliti da bottoni 'vintage' e vecchi nastri con iniziali di quelli che usavano le nostre mamme e nonne per personalizzare gli indumenti quando si andava via in gruppo, allo scopo di non confondere il vestiario.
I like to stitch with one color sometime, it happened like this last year when I made these key-keeper for friends. I put vintage buttons and very old ribbon with initials, the one that our grandma used to mark the dresses.

9 commenti:

  1. These are so lovely too and look nice altogether. I have been trying to get some of the initial luck yet for me ;-)

  2. Lena I can get some do you want that I send them to you?

  3. Sono veramente una bella idea questi portachiavi e il nastrino con le iniziali è molto chic. Peccato che in Italia non si trovi...

  4. Hi Niky, Thank-you so much for your kind offer. I have just tried to send you an email to the address you left in my album. It got returned so when you have time will you email me please

  5. veramente deliziosi questi porta chiavi, adoro il rosso monocolore!

  6. Niky, the key-keeper are lovely. You always surprime me with your beautiful works. I like to visit you.

  7. Now I make the connection of who you are. I have seen your finished work at Shakespeare's peddler. I am amazed at your finishing ideas and work. Wow... wish I am that talented.

    Could you tell me what chart it is in SP web site, the chart on the top left hand corner, flower, bird and the strawberry.

    I am just impressed at the flower pins that you made on your pinkeeps.

  8. Thank you Anita and thank you everybody.
    ok, Anita for answering to your question about SP picture, it's a Sheepish design called HANGING AROUND.I made it over one on a band, and I finished it as needlecase....And yes I'm that Niky on SP web.

  9. Semplicemente incantevoli!! Complimenti per tutti i tuoi lavori!! Mi presento,mi chiamo Tina!!!Il tuo blog è meraviglioso!!
