Queste borsine mi sono state ispirate dai disegni di Tracy Riffle della Hands to work. Ricordano i piccoli borsellini delle dame di un tempo, esse ci tenevano le monetine oppure i fazzoletti e le chiavi. I bambini le usavano per racchiuderci i gessetti o le matite. Originariamente l'apertura era sul davanti per facilitarne la presa, io le ho cucite così con un apertura piccola in alto come mi ha suggerito Tracy.
Tracy Riffle inspired me with her designs for doing these little bags.They remind the pocket bags weared by ladies under their skirts many years ago. They usually put money or keys inside of these pockets. Children had them too and they kept pencils or pieces of chalk.
They were opened in the front normally, but I decided to sew them as Tracy suggested me.
Niky, the pockets are lovely. I like them.
RispondiEliminaThese are truely delightful!!
RispondiEliminadei veri capolavori, come sempre.....bellissime queste borsettine, delle vere raffinatezze!
Love the bags especially the mermaid one!