venerdì 31 ottobre 2008


Oggi vi voglio deliziare con questo simpatico disegno di Mary Garry, adatto in queste giornate piovose di primo autunno. Shore sta andando avanti bene..mancano ancora SOLO 4 quadri...
I want to delight you with this little project today! It's a Mary Garry desing just right for these raining fall days! Shore is going on and on, I miss ONLY four designs for getting the end!!!

6 commenti:

  1. Hi Niky, Sorry I have not had time to comment in quite a while!

    I think your way of finishing this Mary Garry design is great :-))

    You have so many good ideas and I love them all and seeing them on your blog thanks for always sharing your finishes with us !

  2. Molto carina la borsina, e sì, decisamente in tema con le attuali condizioni meteo....

  3. Very beautiful. I love the figures in Mary Garry's designs. This stitching show in Milan looks amazing. I wish there were such things near where I live.

  4. Ottima scelta dei colori e delle stoffe.....è veramente deliziosa!!!!!

  5. Just beautiful, Niky :)
    So happy you had the magazine in your stash :)

    hugs :)
