venerdì 17 aprile 2009


Eccole qui tutte insieme le mie fragole! Molteplici le loro utilità, potete metterci della lavanda all'interno, come ho fatto io, e usarle come profuma ambiente, o appenderle alle maniglie di un armadio , o usarle come puntaspilli, o potete anche semplicemente disporle in un cestino e usarle come decoro per la vostra casa...come fossero cioccolatini da offrire....
Chi fosse interessato a questi disegni mi può contattare alla mia mail.

Here they' strawberries, you can use them in different ways : with lavender inside to give fresh and good smell in your house, as scissors keeper or pincushions, or simply display them in a little basket to decorate your table, like sweet biscuits to offer to guests visinting your house......well...just to show them ...maybe...
If you're interested in those designs,please contact me.

16 commenti:

  1. Oh My! Your basket full of strawberries looks luscious! I LOVE them!!!

  2. Wow! The strawberries look so pretty!

  3. I love your strawberries. There are so cute.

  4. I love your strawberries and I would like to be a guest at your house with these on offer :)
    Have a nice weekend Niky

  5. Amazing display. What a good idea to give them as small "house gifts" to friends coming to visit. Congratulations on the invitation to the craft festival with your book. Where can I purchase your book?

  6. Jennifer ,you can buy the book at any Needlework shop.Thank you for your lovely comment.
    Thank you all of you my dear blogger friends!Happy WE

  7. I love the strawberries and would be interested in getting the patterns. I am not sure how to contact you. My email is katrina @ thepcsweb dot com (remove the spaces the dot is a .)

  8. I love your strawberries, and I would like to try to make some.

  9. Katrina, you can find my mail address at the top of the page blog

  10. sono veramente splendide le tue fragole, Niky......ed è magnifica l'idea di disporle come se fossero "cioccolatini da offrire"....
    continuo ad ammirarle e non ne ho mai confezionata una.

  11. WoW!It is realy a beautiful collection! I love all of them!

  12. Hello Nicki
    I have followed your blog for a long time and have never left a comment, hwever I feel it is time I did so.
    I love your work and congartulations on teaming up with the girls from Blackbird designs.
    I love the Strawberrys and would love to purchase the patterns. i am in Australia, do you know if your patterns are sold here?
    Thnaks Nicky
