Carissime, eccomi quindi con la valigia pronta ma volevo farvi ancora un salutino. Lo faccio con queste rose vintage di carta riciclata che ho realizzato pensando alla primavera e alla bella stagione. Sarà proprio con la bella stagione( spero) che rientrerò in Italia a marzo... dopo il Nashville needlework market. Quindi, felice ricamo a tutte e un abbraccio , arrivederci fra qualche settimana.
Hi there I'm ready for US! I just wanted to say you..see you in march after Nashville needlework market. Those lovely vintage rose basket and the sweet butterfly are a greeting of spring and blooming. So keep on stitching and smiling.
7 commenti:
I would love to make some of the newspaper roses. You did a beautiful job on them. Is there a site I can go to for directions. They are lovely and I love your blog as well. You now have a new follower! Any help with the roses would be appreciated.
Cara Niky, ti auguro buon viaggio, e soprattutto un successone negli Sttati Uniti (ma questo mi pare superfluo con la tua bravura!)Carolina
LUCKY YOU.....have a great time....ciao Alison
Have a nice and safe trip. Enjoy your time there.
Ti trovo adesso, bellissimo blog e bellissime idee. In bocca al lupo per il viaggio e torna presto con idee strepitose!
Hi Niky, Thanks so much for your lovely mail, so sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Your blog is lovely and seeing all your lovely things makes me remember how much I miss making things myself. I hope you have a wonderful time in the US. Have a good evening & Love from London xo
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