martedì 11 settembre 2012

REMEMBER a sad page of history...

I remember exactly that terrible day. I was sitting in my garden stiching, my son Cesare came home by bike and ask me ? "mummy are there twins towers in New York?" "Yes they're" it was my answer. He said "They fell down". I was shocked and run to see the news. I have dear friends in Manhattan that were actually on holiday in Italy and some friends in Queens too, I was terrified!

6 commenti:

  1. Ciao Niky, se ripenso a quei giorni... quante emozioni e quanti stati d'animo, ancora vivi dentro di me. Un abbraccio Lara

  2. Mi vengono le vertigini a pensare quante cose sono successevda quella data sia a livello planetario sia personale....

  3. Oh what a sad day! Love to those who's lives were horribly shattered.

  4. We all remember where we were that horrible day. I was at work in a store that was closed early due to just everyone being so scared of the unknown. The lives lost.

  5. Remember and hope that nothing so horrible will happen again.

  6. ricordo perfettamente, ero seduta sul mio divano con la mia cucciola appena nata, rimasi sconvolta , mi spaventai tantissimo e aspettai con ansia l'arrivo di mio marito .
    nei giorni successivi osservavo la mia piccola e pregavo che tutto passasse in fretta e che arrivasse un po' di sereno in questo mondo. ciao cry68
