Hello my friends, busy busy time, I'm just coming from setting lot of stuff for my next market in Formigine (Modena) eight new desings, linen and a lot of goodies can harldy wait to show you.
In the meantime Third kit for TWOSC 2015 is ready and kit are already sent. Hope all of you receive it very soon!!!
Here is the third project and I hope you like it very much!!!I do!!!!!
Don't you think this heart pincushion / thread keeper is sweett??? Very sweet indeed! Just one color, easy and quick to hang in your craft room!!
Fine italian linen, perlè cotton thread and a lovely ring to keep you thread.
That's the last kit of the year! can you believe that? One year is already passed and I'm here thinking on the next project for TWOSC 2016!!!
More later my friends, with more and more news!!!
happy Stitching xxx Niky.
Care amiche non ci posso credere siamo già al terzo ed ultimo kit per l'anno 2015 del simpatico progetto TWOSC tradotto in italiano Il mondo dei piccoli!!! Ecco un altro ricamo da aggiungere al vostro cesto porta lavoro. I kit sono già stati spediti e spero li riceverete presto.
Sono molto occupata, in questo periodo, nei preparativi per Fili Senza Tempo il salone autunnale di Formigine e non vedo l'ora di mostrarvi tutte le mie news. ..ma per oggi è tutto amiche care a prestissimo e...happy stitching xxx Niky.
Solo una parola: COMPLIMENTI!! sei instancabile