Desidero augurarvi una FELICE PASQUA con tutto il cuore, che sia veramente una Pasqua di Resurrezione anche per il nostro Abruzzo sconvolto dal dolore.
HAPPY EASTER to all of you, I wish it'll be Resurrection for Abruzzo area too devasted by the big tragedy of earthquake.
10 commenti:
Happy Easter Niky.
Buona Pasqua, Niky!
Happy Easter. I too wish the blessing of God upon L'Aquila. This is where my father's family is from. Although they came to the US many years ago and I am not sure if any family memebers still live there, I would like to help them in some way. Do you know of agencies who are accepting relief aid for these people? Please contact me if I can help in any way.
Happy Easter:)
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter Niky. Lots of Love Patti xxx
Happy Easter
Nice stitching :)
buona Pasqua , cara Niky.
Happy Easter Niky!
Your strawberries are so beautiful, you create such lovely projects. I hope you had a good Easter!
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