That's lovely strawberry is my next class in Novegro(Milan) on 12 13 14 of november. I'll be there with lot of news, can hardly wait to spend some good time and fun with you. If somebody is interested in that class just write me for more info.
sabato 30 ottobre 2010
That's lovely strawberry is my next class in Novegro(Milan) on 12 13 14 of november. I'll be there with lot of news, can hardly wait to spend some good time and fun with you. If somebody is interested in that class just write me for more info.
martedì 26 ottobre 2010
ABILMENTE 2010 reports
sono stata allo stand di Point de Marque ed è stato un vero piacere. Eccovi alcune foto tra le quali una della classe di Yo-yo needlebook con alcune diligentissime alunne.
Just back from Abilmente Vicenza, very tired but ..lot of fun . Thank you to friends who came to visit me, and special thanks to Casa Cenina staff, so kind and lovely. I was there with Isabelle, Animue, Karen and Marie. Thank you guys!!! Prim calendar and Flowers sold happy and excited indeed.
martedì 19 ottobre 2010
Ho confezionato questo disegno come un cuscinetto ornamentale per l'albero o la maniglia della vostra porta nel periodo natalizio o comunque invernale.Arrivederci alla prossima settimana carissime.Vicenza mi sta aspettando!!!
I'm glad to show you the entire picture of my new desing : 'Christmas friendship'. An elegant deer and a sweety cardinal bird, I made that design inspired by my OHIO holyday last february just before Nashville. Cardinals are typical bird of that wonderfull state. I finished it as a pincushion ornament to hang on a door or on Christmas tree as you like.
See you next week my dear friends Vicenza is waiting for me. Love you all!!!
domenica 17 ottobre 2010
I'm so proud to show you my very new'Primitive calendar'. 12 new designs one every months , soft colors and primitive style. You'll find it in Casa Cenina booth and Point de marque booth in Vicenza next week...and see you soon for ladies who wanted to make the classes. Yo yo needlebook and Golden bird kit are ready and if you cannot make the class at the market you can anyway have the kit and do it home.
sabato 16 ottobre 2010
per non rovinarvi la sorpresa. Christmas friendship sarà accompagnato a Vicenza da un'altra novità assoluta che vi presenterò prestissimo nel prossimo post.
I couldn't resist to make a new desing for Vicenza market so that's it 'Christmas friendship', only few spots of that model just to invite you to come to casa Cenina booth and discovered it by yourself next thursday and friday!!..and a big new entry is on but I'll post it tomorrow. Keep going in visiting my blog my dear friends.
giovedì 14 ottobre 2010
Crazy setting my kits!!!! My house is full of staff, that pict is about 'Yo Yo needlebook' the class that I'm going to give with Casa Cenina booth in Vicenza. Everthing is ready to put inside the envelope, I did it hand- made too, with a pretty paper, old book page and old tags...well I really like to show my kits in that way!!! !!
mercoledì 13 ottobre 2010
Subscriptions are starting for Casa Cenina class in Vicenza as I told you before I'll be there 21 -22 october and on 23- 24 I'll be with Point de Marque shop. I made that scissor fob for another class that I'm going to give with Point de Marque. Kits are ready and I can hardly wait to meet you in Vicenza.For more info please just contact me
domenica 10 ottobre 2010
YO-YO Needlebook
This kit is a sweety one , lot of goodies inside special for you.
sabato 9 ottobre 2010
Just back from Bergamo, lot of nice people today at POINT DE MARQUE booth where I was with all my desings and my book. People really enjoyed a lot my class as you can see from the picture!! Lovely miniatures by ALPHABETS shop very famous in Tolouse.
mercoledì 6 ottobre 2010
Carissime amiche, vi volevo avvisare che alla BUTEGA da Judith a Chiasso in Via Volta 4 , l'8 e il 9 ottobre ci saranno una serie di interessanti workshops ,dalle 9 alle 18. Chi volesse maggiori informazioni può telefonare a Judith 0916463374.
My dear friends, Judith from la Butega via Volta 4 Chiasso is goign to organize wonderfull workshops this week-end , if someone is interested please just call her for more info.091643374
My dear friends, Judith from la Butega via Volta 4 Chiasso is goign to organize wonderfull workshops this week-end , if someone is interested please just call her for more info.091643374
martedì 5 ottobre 2010
That picture is about my kits for Bergamo Creattiva show next saturday. I'm going to give two classes one in the morning and one in the aftenoon. In kits bags you'll find: vintage felt, fabric, vintage button and ribbon,yo-yo and cone template, and an old picture with a lovely girl on sewing machine. For more info just contact me.
lunedì 4 ottobre 2010
That sweety felt cone is the new class for CREATTIVA Bergamo.
I'll be there with POINT DE MARQUE shop on saturday oct.9. I called that class'Primitive Cone'. You can use it as Christmas gift or just decoring your Christmas tree.For any kind of info please just contact me at my mail address or POINT DE MARQUE shop.
domenica 3 ottobre 2010
I'm always away during this fall, family is calling me 'suitcase girl'!!!! actually back from la Foirl 'Fil I went to Turin yesterday with NONNA LANA shop. Great success for those so kind ladies . My book went very well too and my Christmas cone class...lovely, people were very interested in doing it , as you can see from the picture.
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